Helpful Resources


Music will be created digitally using BeepBox.
BeepBox offers the ease of Chrome Music Lab's SongMaker, but with more capabilities. Feel free to explore the extra features and effects in BeepBox too!


Visual representations can be created in a variety of mediums, including anything from pencil & paper to sculpture and more. See below for links to digital art sites that students found success with in the past.


In your presentation, be sure to include the story behind your game! In your story, include answers to the following questions:

  1. Who is your main character/ hero?
  2. What is your hero’s goal/ purpose?
  3. What challenges will your hero face along the way?
  4. What “powers” (if any) will be available for your hero?
  5. What sounds will we hear when your character is on the screen? Describe the music you WANT to create for this project…
  6. What other sounds would you create for this project given the time/ opportunity? (What sound effects would you want to include)
  7. Anything else you would like to tell us about your character’s quest or universe?


Feel free to create a slide-deck using Google Slides for your presentation. By doing so, you can incorporate all of your components (music, digital art, story, etc) into one place. You can create slides on your own or click here for slide templates that Ms. C. created. Feel free to add, remove, or edit these slides as needed! Click "Make a Copy" when prompted to copy this template into your own Google Drive.

Follow the directions here to see how to share and submit your Google Slide Deck (with a couple of reminders on how to embed your music as well!).
** PLEASE NOTE-- In the video, for sharing, Ms. C. says "Anyone with the link", but students should choose "Bethel Park School District" **

Let Ms. C. know if you have questions or need any help!

Extra Resources

These resources may be helpful for your project. These resources don't have how-to videos or guides posted here (and Ms. C. can't help you with them), but they are resources students have used successfully in the past.